Version 7.22.0 released 03-Oct-2011 * New configure options: * resolve: Pass a list of strings with host name resolve information to use for requests with this handle. Each single name resolve string should be written using the format HOST:PORT:ADDRESS where HOST is the name TclCurl will try to resolve, PORT is the port number of the service where TclCurl wants to connect to the HOST and ADDRESS is the numerical IP address. If libcurl is built to support IPv6, ADDRESS can be either IPv4 or IPv6 style addressing. * tlsauthusername, tlsauthpassword: Pass a string with the username or password to use for the TLS authentication method specified with the 'tlsauthtype' option. * tlsauthtype: Use it to tell TclCurl which authentication method(s) you want it to use for TLS authentication. So far the only method is 'tlsauthsrp' for TLS-SRP authentication. Secure Remote Password authentication for TLS is defined in RFC 5054 and provides mutual authentication if both sides have a shared secret. You need to build libcurl with GnuTLS or OpenSSL with TLS-SRP support for this to work. * transferencoding: Adds a request for compressed Transfer Encoding in the outgoing HTTP request. If the server supports this and so desires, it can respond with the HTTP resonse sent using a compressed Transfer-Encoding that will be automatically uncompressed by TclCurl on receival. Transfer-Encoding differs slightly from the Content-Encoding you ask for with 'encoding' in that a Transfer-Encoding is strictly meant to be for the transfer and thus MUST be decoded before the data arrives in the client. Traditionally, Transfer-Encoding has been much less used and supported by both HTTP clients and HTTP servers. * wildcard: Set this option to 1 if you want to transfer multiple files according to a file name pattern. The pattern can be specified as part of the url, using an fnmatch-like pattern (Shell Pattern Matching) in the last part of URL (file name). So far it only works with FTP. * fnmatchfunction: Name of the procedure that will be called instead of the internal wildcard matching function, it should match the following prototype: FnMatchProc {pattern string} Returns '0' if it matches, '1' if it doesn't. * chunkbgnproc: Name of the procedure that will be called before a file will be transfered by ftp, it should match the following prototype: ChunkBgnProc {remains} Where remains is the number of files still to be transfered (or skipped) This callback makes sense only when using the 'wildcard' option. * chunkendproc: Name of the procedure that will be called after a file is transfered (or skipped) by ftp when using the wildcard option, it should match the following prototype: ChunkEndProc {} It should return '0' if everyhting is fine and '1' if some error occurred. * chunkbgnvar: Name of the variable in the global scope that will contain the data of the file about to be transfered. If you don't use this option '::fileData' will be used. The available data is: filename, filetype (file, directory, symlink, device block, device char, named pipe, socket, door or error if it couldn't be identified), time, perm, uid, gid, size, hardlinks and flags. * mailfrom: Pass a string to specify the sender address in a mail when sending an SMTP mail with TclCurl. * mailrcpt: Pass a list of recipients to pass to the server in your SMTP mail request. * ftpusepret: Set to 1 to tell TclCurl to use the EPRT (and LPRT) command when doing active FTP downloads (which is enabled by 'ftpport'). Using EPRT means that it will first attempt to use EPRT and then LPRT before using PORT, if you pass zero to this option, it will not try using EPRT or LPRT, only plain PORT. * gssapidelegation: Set the option to 'flag' to allow unconditional GSSAPI credential delegation. The delegation is disabled by default. Set the parameter to 'policyflag' to delegate only if the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag is set in the service ticket in case this feature is supported by the GSSAPI implementation and the definition of GSS_C_DELEG_POLICY_FLAG was available at compile-time. * telnetoptions: Pass a list with variables to pass to the telnet negotiations. The variables should be in the format <option=value>. TclCurl supports the options'TTYPE', 'XDISPLOC' and 'NEW_ENV'. See the TELNET standard for details. * Updated configure options: * httpauth new method 'ntlmwb': NTLM delegating to winbind helper. Authentication is performed by a separate binary application that is executed when needed. The name of the application is specified at libcurl's compile time but is typically /usr/bin/ntlm_auth. * new proxy type 'socsk5h' to enable socks5 and asking the proxy to do the resolving * New info available through the 'getinfo' command: * primaryport: Returns the destination port of the most recent connection done. * localip: Returns the local (source) IP address of the most recent connection done. This string may be IPv6 if that's enabled. * localport: Returns the local (source) port of the most recent connection done. * Bug fixes: * Sven Hoexter let me know that TclCurl no longer build as curl/types.h and curl/easy.h no longer exists: * Gary Nigg noticed that 'bodyvar' had to be reconfigured for each transfer. * John Coppens got an error when he tried the 'curl::transfer' command. * Gerald Dumas reported that TclCurl wouldn't compile in FreeBSD, it so happens that the upstart type 'ulong' isn't good enough for it. Version 7.19.0 released 1-Sep-2008 * New commands: * curlHandle pause and curlHandle resume: Pause and resume a tranfer from within a progress callback procedure. * New configure options: * addressscope: Pass a number specifying the scope_id value to use when connecting to IPv6 link-local or site-local addresses. * proxytranfermode: Pass a number. If the value is set to 1 (one), it tells TclCurl to set the transfer mode (binary or ASCII) for FTP transfers done via an HTTP proxy, by appending ;type=a or ;type=i to the URL. Without this setting, or if set to 0 (zero, the default), '-tranfertext' has no effect when doing FTP via a proxy. Beware that not all proxies support this feature. * Added two new types for the '-proxytype' option: 'socks4a' and 'socks5hostname'. * New info available through the 'getinfo' command: * appconnecttime: Returns the time, in seconds, it took from the start until the SSL/SSH connect/handshake to the remote host was completed. * primaryip: Returns the IP address of the most recent connection done with this handle. * redirecturl: Returns the URL a redirect would take you to if you would enable 'followlocation'. This can come very handy if you think using the built-in redirect logic isn't good enough for you but you would still prefer to avoid implementing all the magic of figuring out the new URL. * Bug fix: The 'writeproc' option didn't work right. * Internal changes: * When compìling against Tcl 8.5.3 I had to remove a lot of CONSTs to prevent warnings, and then I had to add them back with Tcl 8.5.4, so, depending on which version you use you might get quite a few warnings while compiling, they should be harmless though. * The internal workings of the 'any' http authentication has been changed. Version 7.17.1 released 1-Nov-2007 * New configure options: * post301: A non-zero parameter tells TclCurl to respect RFC 2616/10.3.2 and not convert POST requests into GET requests when following a 301 redirection like browsers usually do. * sshhostpublickeymd5: Pass a string containing 32 hexadecimal digits. The string should be the 128 bit MD5 cheksum of the remote host public key, and TclCurl will reject the connection to the host unless the md5sums match. * If you pass the magic string 'FLUSH' to the '-cookielist' option all known cookies will be written to the file specified by '-cookiejar'. * Renamed options: Some configure options have been renamed so they get more general names, the old names are deprecated even if they may be supported forever. * sslpasswd => keypasswd * ftpappend => append * ftplistonly => dirlistonly * ftpssl => usessl * Internal changes: Up until the current version when we wanted libcurl to use a value in a string, like the URL to download, we had to keep the string as long as libcurl could use it. Since 7.17.0 libcurl keeps it own copies, so I no longer make TclCurl do it. That means this is a handle-with-care release, please report any problems you may have. Version 7.16.4 released 19-July-07 * New configure options: * newfileperms: Used to set the permissions, defalt 0664, that will be assigned to newly created files on the remote server. * newdirectoryperms: Used to set the permissions, default 0755, that will be assigned to newly created directories on the remote server. They can both be used for SFTP, SCP and FILE transfers. * Changed option: The option to set the Kerberos security level for FTP is now called 'krblevel', the old name 'krb4level' will be kept for some time for compatibility. * New option for multi handles: * maxconnects: Sets the maximum amount of simultaneously open connections that TclCurl may cache. Default is 10. * Bug fix: Sven Hoexter fixed a couple of errors in the man page. Version 7.16.2 released 16-April-07 * New feature: TclCurl now supports SSH for SFTP and SCP transfers as long as libcurl has been compiled with libssh2 support. * New configure options: * publickeyfile: name of the file with the public key to use with SSH. * privatekeyfile: name of the file with the provate key to use with SSH. * sshauthtypes: Allowed types are "publickey", "password", "host", "keyboard", or "any" to let TclCurl choose one. * timeoutms and connectimeoutms: The work like 'timeout' and 'connectimeout' except the timout is given in miliseconds. * ftpsslccc: If enabled, it will make libcurl shutdown SSL/TLS after the authentication is done on a FTP-SSL operation. * httpcontentdecoding: If set to zero content decoding is disabled. * httptransferdecoding: If set to zero Set transfer decoding is disabled. TclCurl does chunked transfer decoding by default unless this option is set to zero. * ftpsslccc: If enabled, it will make libcurl shutdown SSL/TLS after the authentication is done on a FTP-SSL operation. * Bug fixes: * Olivier Lenormand reported that in case the server sends more than one 'Set-Cookie' header, TclCurl would only save the last one in the header array. Now the array will contain a list with all the cookies. * Jos Decoster reported and helped fixing a crash that happened when changing a handle from using a 'writeproc' to not using one. * I have updated the configure scripts to TEA 3.6, hope you don't bump into any regressions. Version 7.16.0 released 15-November-06 * Removed feature: TclCurl no longer supports third party FTP transfers. * New configure options: * ftpalternativetouser: Pass a string which will be used to authenticate if the usual FTP "USER user" and "PASS password" negotiation fails. This is currently only known to be required when connecting to Tumbleweed's Secure Transport FTPS server using client certificates for authentication. * ftpentrypath: Returns a string holding the path of the entry path. That is the initial path TclCurl ended up in when logging on to the remote FTP server. Returns an empty string if something is wrong. * maxsendspeed: Pass a speed in bytes per seconds. If an upload exceeds this speed on cumulative average during the transfer, the transfer will pause to keep the average rate less than or equal to the parameter value. * maxrecvspeed: Pass a speed in bytes per second. If a download exceeds this speed on cumulative average during the transfer, the transfer will pause to keep the average rate less than or equal to the parameter value. * New command for multi handles 'configure', so far the is only one option to set: * pipelining: Pass a 1 to enable or 0 to disable. Enabling pipelining on a multi handle will make it attempt to perform HTTP Pipelining as far as possible for transfers using this handle. This means that if you add a second request that can use an already existing connection, the second request will be "piped" on the same connection rather than being executed in parallel. Version 0.15.3 released 17-April-06 * I updated the autoconf scripts to TEA 3.5, this seems to prevent the warnings about how the headers files couldn't be compiled, but it may have (re)introduced other bugs. * Removed feature: TclCurl no longer supports Gopher, it probably didn't work anyway. * New configure options: * localport: Sets the local port number of the socket used for the connection. This can be used in combination with '-interface' and you are recommended to use 'localportrange' as well when this is set. * localportrange: Number of attempts TclCurl should do to find a working local port number. It starts with the given 'localport' and adds one to the number for each retry. Version 0.15.1 released 10-January-06 * New configure options: * ftpskippasvip: If set to a non-zero value, it instructs TclCurl not to use the IP address the server suggests in its 227-response to TclCurl's PASV command when TclCurl connects the data connection. Instead TclCurl will re-use the same IP address it already uses for the control connection. But it will use the port number from the 227-response. * ftpfilemethod: It allows three values: * multicwd: the default, TclCurl will do a single CWD operation for each path part in the given URL. For deep hierarchies this means very many commands. This is how RFC1738 says it should be done. * nocwd: no CWD at all is done, TclCurl will do SIZE, RETR, STOR etc and give a full path to the server. * singlecwd: make one CWD with the full target directory and then operate on the file "normally". The support for this options is still experimental, comments whether the methods work or don't with different methods are welcome. Likewise, the options, or their names, may change in future releases, so they are not yet documented elsewhere. * Bug fix: The Windows packages had defective 'doc' directories. Thanks to Alex Hisen for letting me know. Version 0.14.1 released 4-September-05 * New configure options: * ingnorecontentlength: Ignore the Content-Length header. This is useful for Apache 1.x (and similar servers) which will report incorrect content length for files over 2 gigabytes. * cookielist: Pass a string with a cookie. The cookie can be either in Netscape / Mozilla format or just regular HTTP-style header (Set-Cookie: ...) format. '$curlHandle getinfo cookielist' will return a list of all cookies TclCurl knows (expired ones, too). * When posting data, you can use the new 'filecontent' option to read a file and use its contents as data. * Bug fix: The code to post data was filled with memory leaks, I hope I have fixed them all. Version 0.14.0 released 3-June-05 * BEHAVIOUR CHANGE: To set the version SSL/TLS to use with '-sslversion' you can know use the values: * default The default action. When libcurl built with OpenSSL, this will attempt to figure out the remote SSL protocol version. Unfortunately there are a lot of ancient and broken servers in use which cannot handle this technique and will fail to connect. When libcurl is built with GnuTLS, this will mean SSLv3. * tlsv1 Force TLSv1 * sslv2 Force SSLv2 * sslv3 Force SSLv3 * Bug fix: A report by Melissa Millard made me realize that the options 'httpauth', 'proxyauth', 'ipresolve', 'ftpssl' and 'ftpsslauth' have, probably, never worked. They should now. * I updated '' and '' to the latest versions in Tcl's sample extension, unfortunately that's likely to introduce some bugs, so, please, report any problems. Version 0.13.2 released 16-April-05 * New features: * New configure options: * ftpaccount: When an FTP server asks for "account data" after user name and password has been provided. * sourceurl: When set, it enables a FTP third party transfer. * sourcequote: Exactly like '-quote', but for the source host. * The following options are now obsolete 'sourcehost', 'sourcepath', 'sourceport' and 'pasvhost'. * curl::versioninfo will indicate if there is support for SSPI. * More information can be obtained using 'curl::getinfo': * numconnects: to get the number of new connections TclCurl had to create to achieve the previous transfer. * sslengines: returns a list of the OpenSSL crypto-engines supported. * httpconnectcode: returns the last received proxy response code to a CONNECT request * Bug fix: * Fixed the "-sourcepostquote" option. * Daniel A. Steffen fixed a bug with parallel builds. Version 0.12.2 released 18-October-04 * New features: * You can now share dns and cookie information among TclCurl handles, please check the docs for details. * New configure option: 'ftpsslauth', you may need this option because of servers like BSDFTPD-SSL from won't work properly when "AUTH SSL" is issued but require "AUTH TLS" instead. * Added three new commands to the 'curl' namespace: * curl::easystrerror errorCode * curl::sharestrerror errorCode * curl::multistrerror errorCode All three will return a string explaining what the given error number means. * Bug fix: * Ralph Mitchell reported that the 'cookiejar' option wouldn't work in the latest version, it should now. Version 0.12.1 released 30-September-04 * New features: * Third party ftp support, you can now transfer a file between two different ftp servers. Check the 'ftp options' in the docs page for details. * A new command for curl handles 'reset' which re-initializes all options previously set on a specified handle to the default values. This puts back the handle to the same state as it was in when it was just created with curl::init. It does not change the following information kept in the handle: live connections, the Session ID cache, the DNS cache, the cookies and shares. * Hooked the multi interface to Tcl's event loop, so you can have fire-and-forget transfers: set multiHandle [curl::multiinit] set easyHandle [curl::init] $easyHandle configure -file home.tar.gz \ -url $multiHandle addhandle $easyHandle $multiHandle auto -command "CleanUp $multiHandle $easyHandle" This support is experimental, so any comments are welcome. Thanks to Eric Boudaillier who answered my question about how to do it. * New ssl data types have been added to 'debugproc'. * In case of error when setting post data, the error will include a code about the nature of the error. * Bug fix: * The 'autoreferer' option should now work. Version 0.12.0 released 09-July-04 * New configure options: * '-port': Pass the number specifying what remote port to connect to, instead of the one specified in the URL or the default port for the used protocol. * '-tcpnodelay': To specify whether the TCP_NODELAY option should be set or cleared. Setting this option will disable TCP's Nagle algorithm. The purpose of this algorithm is to try to minimize the number of small packets on the network. * '-autoreferer': When enabled, TclCurl will automatically set the 'Referer:' field in requests where it follows a 'Location:' redirect. * Bug fix: * Thanks to Stefano Federici I noticed that the 'ftpssl' option didn't work. Version 0.11.0 released 04-febrary-04 * New configure options: * 'ftpssl': You can use ftps:// URLs to explicitly switch on SSL/TSL for the control connection and the data connection. Alternatively you can set this option to one of these values: * 'nope': Do not attempt to use SSL * 'try': Try using SSL, proceed anyway otherwise. * 'control': Use SSL for the control conecction or fail. * 'all': Use SSL for all communication or fail. * 'netrcfile': Pass a string containing the full path name to the file you want to use as .netrc file. For the option to work, you have to set the 'netrc' option to 'required'. If this option is omitted, and 'netrc' is set, TclCurl will attempt to find the a .netrc file in the current user's home directory. * Bug fix: Fixed the 'netrc' option. Version 0.10.8 released 29-december-03 * New 'configure' options: * 'ftpresponsetimeout': Causes TclCurl to set a timeout period on the amount of time that the server is allowed to take in order to generate a response message for a command before the session is considered hung. * 'ipresolve': Allows an application to select what kind of IP addresses to use when resolving host names. This is only interesting when using host names that resolve addresses using more than one version of IP. * 'maxfilesize': Allows you to specify the maximum size of a file to download. * New 'getinfo' options: * 'httpauthavail': Returns a list with the authentication method(s) available. * 'proxyauthavail': Returns a list with the authentication method(s) available for your proxy athentication. * Misc: * 'curl::versioninfo' will now say if there is support for asynchronus DNS and SPNEGO. * The 'httpcode' for 'getinfo' is now called 'responsecode' since it will now work with FTP transfers. The old option name, while deprecated, will continue to work. * Bug fixes: * TclCurl still thought it was in version 0.10.4. * Fixed the 'httpauth' option. * The configure scripts would sometimes use the cURL in '/usr/bin' instead of the one in '/usr/local/bin' despite the '--with-curlprefix' tag. Version 0.10.7 released 03-September-03 * New configure options: * 'ftpcreatemissingdirs': If set to non-zero, TclCurl will attempt to create any remote directory that it fails to CWD into. CWD is the command that changes working directory. * 'httpauth': Set to the authentication method you want, the available ones are: * 'basic': HTTP Basic authentication. This is the default choice, and the only method that is in widespread use and supported virtually everywhere. It sends the user name and password over the network in plain text, easily captured by others. * 'digest': HTTP Digest authentication. Digest authentication is a more secure way to do authentication over public networks than the regular old-fashioned Basic method. * 'gssnegotiate': HTTP GSS-Negotiate authentication. The GSS-Negotiate method was designed by Microsoft and is used in their web aplications. It is primarily meant as a support for Kerberos5 authentication but may be also used along with another authenti- cation methods. * 'ntlm': HTTP NTLM authentication. A proprietary protocol invented and used by Microsoft. * 'any':TclCurl will automaticaly select the one it finds most secure. * 'anysafe': It may use anything but basic, TclCurl will automaticly select the one it finds most secure. * 'command': Executes a Tcl command after the transfer is done. So far it only works in blocking transfers which is pretty much useless. Version 0.10.5 released 21-May-03 * New configure option: * 'ftpuseeptr': Set to non-zero, to tell TclCurl to use the EPRT (and LPRT) command when doing active FTP downloads (which is enabled by 'ftpport'). Using EPRT means that it will first attempt to use EPRT and then LPRT before using PORT, if you pass zero to this option, it will not try using EPRT or LPRT, only plain PORT * Bug fixes: * The multi handles couldn't store the data of more than two easy handles. * Using the 'progressproc' option in Windows would crash Tcl. * The '$multiHandle active' command wasn't returning anything. * Misc: * Updated ssl in Windows binaries to version 0.9.7b. * Changed the way the http reponse header is dealt with in the 'headervar' option. Now the whole header is put into foo(http). ************** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ************** Version 0.10.4 released 31-March-03 * New features: * Added 'getinfo' features to the 'curl::transfer' command. You can now do things like: curl::transfer -url \ -infohttpcode httpCode \ -infocontenttype contentType \ puts "Http code: $httpCode" puts "Content type: $contentType" * New configure option: -unrestrictedauth, a non-zero parameter tells the extension it can continue to send authentication (user+password) when following locations, even when hostname changed. Note that this is meaningful only when setting -followlocation * The makefile now has an 'uninstall' target. * The Windows packages are now zlib enabled. * Added a 'packages' directory with a makefile to create the Windows packages and the spec file for rpm. * Bug fix: * The configure script will no longer choke with the version string of cURL's prereleases. * Misc * If there is an error, the 'curl::transfer' command will now return the code of the error, without the 'Couldn't perform transfer' message. ************** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ************** * So that they have the same name in Windows and Linux, I have changed the name of the certificate file in Windows to 'curl-ca-bundle.crt' and it will placed in the 'Windows' directory. ************** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ************** * Alex Khassin suggested using fully qualified in 'tclcurl.tcl' names to prevent problems with namespaces. Version 0.10.3 released 30-January-03 * New configure option: * 'http200alieases': To pass a list of aliases to be treated as valid HTTP 200 responses. * Bug fixes: * When using '-headervar' in Windows you could end up with carriage returns in the name of the header. * Julian let me know that TclCurl would crash when used in a thread enabled Tcl. * Enhancements: * Since compiling TclCurl in Windows is a real pain, I will provide more packages for it, thread and ssl enabled. * Alex Khassin has written instructions on how to get TclCurl to work with AOLSever. Version 0.10.1 released 14-October-02 * New configure options: * 'proxytype': Allows you to set type of the proxy. Available options are 'http' and 'socks5', with the HTTP one being default. * 'encoding': TclCurl can now request compressed contents using the 'deflate' method. * 'buffersize': To set prefered size for the receive buffer in TclCurl, so that the write callback is called more often with smaller chunks. * 'nosignal': Tells TclCurl not use any functions that install signal handlers or any functions that cause signals to be sent to the process. * New command: * 'curl::versioninfo': Returns information about various run-time features in TclCurl. * Bug fixes: * Fixed to 'buffer' option to post data. * Asif Haswarey reported that '--with-curlinclude' wouldn't work. * The multi interface examples suddenly stopped working, they should now. Version 0.9.8 released 25-June-02 * Support for libcurl's multi interface, the main features are: * Enable a "pull" interface. The application that uses TclCurl decides where and when to get/send data. * Enable multiple simultaneous transfers in the same thread without making it complicated for the application. * Keep Tk GUIs 'alive' while transfers are taking place. * New 'httppost' options * 'bufferName' and 'buffer', the contents of buffer will be sent to the server as if they were a file whose name is in bufferName, please check the 'httpBufferPost.tcl' example. * New 'getinfo' options * redirectime: Returns the total time, in seconds, it took for all redirection steps including name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before the final transaction was started, it returns the complete execution time for multiple redirections. * redirectcount: Returns the total number of redirections that were actually followed. Version 0.9.6 released 30-April-02 * New configure options: * dnscachetimeout, to set the timeout in seconds for keeping the name resolves in memory. * dnsuseglobalcache, if set to '1' the DNS cache will be shared among curl handles. * debugproc, to set a procedure that will receive the debug data produced by the 'verbose' option. * Jonathan Matthew found and fixed a seg fault when you used the 'httpheader' option twice with the same handle. * The configure scripts saw more work in this release: * I merged the latest changes to the TEA sample extension by Jeff Hobbs. * Suresh K. Sastry found and fixed an incompatibility with Solaris. * And I hope I have not forgotten any 'DESTDIR' this time. Version 0.9.5 released 01-April-2002 * I have adapted the configure scripts to the new TEA scripts released by Jeff Hobbs, for example, now it will compile 'out of the box' for freeBSD systems (well, you may need to use '--with-curlprefix' and '--with-curlinclude') * New configure option: * prequote: use it to pass a list of ftp commands to execute *just before* the transfer. * New getinfo option: * contenttype: if the servers bothers to tell you, this will return the type of the downloadad object. * Bug fix: 'curl::transfer' will return '0' if the transfer was successful. *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** Version 0.9.3 released 29-Jan-2002 * Bug fix: There should no more seg faults because of trailing options in configure commands. * Bug fix: Binary transfer weren't done right in Windows, thanks to Peter Waltenberg and Darren Blee for the report. * TclCurl now supports OpenSSL engines, which allow you to keep your private key stored in external hardware. In order to manage this there are a few new configure options: * sslcerttype: Set SSL cert type (PEM/DER). * sslkey: Set SSL private key (file). * sslkeytype: Set SSL key type (PEM/DER/ENG). * sslkeypasswd: Set the passphrase for your private key. * sslengine: Set the name of the crypto engine. * sslenginedefault: Set the default engine. * You can now add a set of headers for a particular part in a multipart/form-post using the 'contentheader' option. * It is now possible to execute commands in ftp servers without transfering files, you have to set 'nobody' to '1' and 'header' to '0'.