cf37072e8fEvaluated cache put irc chanlist [list a @GarthBrooksFan1488 Shaniqua @duck @Rob_Ford_Kennedy @weev]
IRC-Simple on local
2024-10-24 05:16:46 -07:00
8ddafca103Evaluated cache put irc chanlist [list @duck @Rob_Ford_Kennedy @weev a @GarthBrooksFan1488 Shaniqua]
IRC-Simple on local
2024-10-24 05:15:36 -07:00
b44a5baf65Evaluated cache put irc chanlist [list a @GarthBrooksFan1488 Shaniqua @duck @Rob_Ford_Kennedy @weev]
IRC-Simple on local
2024-10-24 05:14:58 -07:00
7b17c69807Evaluated set actor_action [list {commits suicide with the other high-ranking NSDAP officials}]
whitemage on #buttes
2024-09-10 04:45:17 -07:00
05d60891bbEvaluated set actors [list {Homer Simpson}]
whitemage on #buttes
2024-09-10 04:43:45 -07:00
a02288fa26Evaluated set movies [list {The Simpsons}]
whitemage on #buttes
2024-09-10 04:43:11 -07:00
9d62f9d10dEvaluated cache put irc chanlist [list @DIE Shaniqua @duck @altered_pig @whitemage @a]
IRC-Simple on local
2024-08-07 03:12:58 -07:00
3ab0e8c5a7Evaluated , kanyelyrics "I do love the Zionists."
PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK on #flashsupport
2023-10-05 10:03:42 -07:00
588a25867fEvaluated , kanyelyrics "I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis."
PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK on #flashsupport
2023-10-05 10:03:24 -07:00
9315f84aa9Evaluated , kanyelyrics "I like Hitler."
PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK on #flashsupport
2023-10-05 10:02:52 -07:00
8c352e56acEvaluated , ::kanyelyrics {Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler}
PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK on #flashsupport
2023-10-05 10:01:46 -07:00
186544cef1Evaluated set kanyelyrics [list]
PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK on #flashsupport
2023-10-05 10:01:40 -07:00
5eab595488Evaluated cache put irc chanlist [list @N_GGER Shaniqua cyber_athlete affe PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK a @Taiji_Quan_Millz chz Sporanox lologram]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-10-04 09:53:48 -07:00
fec117835dEvaluated cache put irc chanlist [list xingxing @niggerino a @cyber_athlete lologram Shaniqua @ΠΑΣΟΚ_institute @Quan_Millz @Taiji_Quan_Millz rentpig chz xpilot @PROMOTED_to_HELPDESK @xlennart]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-09-17 12:21:37 -07:00
f2d036100dEvaluated cache put irc chanlist [list Shaniqua @gamme_hell @ΠΑΣΟΚ_institute @Quan_Millz @Taiji_Quan_Millz @JohnHittler @xingxing @niggerino @a @cyber_athlete]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-09-09 13:56:29 -07:00
0c674c6f7bEvaluated cache put irc chanlist [list @Quan_Millz @Taiji_Quan_Millz @JohnHittler Shaniqua @gamme_hell @ΠΑΣΟΚ_institute @a @cyber_athlete @Mr_Gull_Sher @niggerino]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-09-08 13:21:48 -07:00
fbc2a576c1Evaluated set ::warhol_colors [list red green blue yellow]
Quan_Millz on #flashsupport
2023-09-02 17:46:24 -07:00
166f22d6d2Evaluated proc sr {s} {set r {}; set i [string len $s]; while {$i > 0} {append r [string index $s [incr i -1]]}; . $r}
BureaucraticManager on #flashsupport
2023-09-02 15:31:47 -07:00
b5e2fb8ad1Evaluated cache put irc chanlist [list @GammeMartinLabsLLC a lologram i_hate_riggers @weev high-T_anime_analyst tater Shaniqua klee_tree when_the_pig_flies Fredquisha Quan_Millz Tribal_Friend]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-08-23 14:35:03 -07:00
bf6127a4abEvaluated incog2017
Neal_A_Lester on #flashsupport
2023-08-04 17:40:38 -07:00
04f95c6ab0Evaluated proc bkabait {{prez {Olaf Scholz}}} {subst "I am going to kill $prez, Bundeskanzlerin der BRD."}
N on #flashsupport
2023-07-30 15:48:54 -07:00
62cef41be9Evaluated set ::prez {Joseph Robinette Biden Jr}
N on #flashsupport
2023-07-30 15:44:45 -07:00
bda11e87edEvaluated incogsgame
YELLOW_MAN on #flashsupport
2023-07-15 10:35:24 -07:00
6ab3f5f077Evaluated incogsgame
YELLOW_MAN on #flashsupport
2023-07-15 10:33:35 -07:00
19a87cf29cEvaluated set ::doletimer(YELLOW_MAN) 0
YELLOW_MAN on #flashsupport
2023-07-15 10:33:11 -07:00
8b3929773eEvaluated array set ::doletimer(YELLOW_MAN) 0
the_bungler on #flashsupport
2023-07-15 10:32:48 -07:00
a9d7ce51d8Evaluated unset ::doletimer
the_bungler on #flashsupport
2023-07-15 10:32:31 -07:00
833fab6c87Evaluated niggerdeath
STDIO haskeline on local
2023-06-27 08:00:07 -07:00
5baaae21d5Evaluated cache put irc chanlist [list 洛杉矶警长 @weev TrumpBucksBank lologram a @tater hastur Shaniqua duck]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-05-28 05:23:01 -07:00
434ccac35bEvaluated cache put irc chanlist [list chz duck lologram Shaniqua a hastur @weev ddos_survivor @tater 404 Sheriff_Zhejiang]
IRC-Simple on local
2023-05-26 12:40:42 -07:00