maybe this way

This commit is contained in:
Jon Doe 2020-09-27 17:23:05 +02:00 committed by Maciej Bonin
parent f443977a35
commit 1fa4f7410e

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
proc chanlist args {cache get irc chanlist}
proc unispace {{n {}}} {join [map [seq 1 [or $n [rand 100 200]]] {x {uchar [?? {2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 200a 200b 200c 200d 200e 200f 0020 00a0 202f 3000 feff}]}}] {}}
proc onmars args {concat have you ever [join $args]? have you ever [join $args]...[color red]ON MARS??[color]}
proc {} v {return $v}