2005-04-24 08:51:33 +00:00

453 lines
12 KiB

%%% This is a LaTeX2e style file.
%%% It supports setting functional languages like Haskell.
%%% Manuel M. T. Chakravarty <> [1998..2000]
%%% $Id: haskell.sty,v 1.2 2004/05/16 08:20:09 dons Exp $
%%% This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
%%% (at your option) any later version.
%%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%%% Acknowledegments ==========================================================
%%% Thanks to Gabriele Keller <> for beta testing and
%%% code contributions. Thanks to the LaTeX3 project for improving the LaTeX
%%% sources (which helped me writing this code). Furthermore, I am grateful
%%% to Martin Erwig <> for feedback and
%%% suggestions, and to Conal Elliott <> for pointing out
%%% a tricky bug.
%%% TODO ======================================================================
%%% B ~ bug; F ~ feature
%%% * F: Along the lines of the discussion with Martin Erwig add support for
%%% keywords etc (see the emails)
%%% * B: If we have as input
%%% \<map
%%% g\>
%%% there won't be a `\hsap' inserted!! (Can this be solved by using
%%% \obeylines in \<...\>?)
%%% * B: A \relax is needed after a & if it immediately followed by a \hsbody{}
%%% (See TeXbook, S.240)
%%% * F: Implement a \hstext{...} as \(\text{...}\).
%%% * We would like hswhere* etc that are like haskell* (\hsalign already
%%% supports this, ie, there is a \hsalign*).
%%% * Star-Versions of if, let etc that use a single line layout (maybe not
%%% with star, because of the above).
%%% * Support for enforcing and prohibiting breaks in `haskell' displays.
%%% * Comments in a let-in should be aligned in the same way for the bindings
%%% and the body.
%%% * It would be nice to have different styles (indentation after in of
%%% let-in or not) etc; either to be set with a package option or in the
%%% preamble (the latter probably makes more sense).
%%% * Literate programming facility: Variant of the `haskell' env (maybe
%%% `hschunk', which is named and can be used in other chunks). But maybe
%%% it is not necessary to provide a chunk-based reordering mechanism,
%%% because most of the Haskell stuff can be in any order anyway...
%%% Important is to provide a way to define visually pleasing layout
%%% together with the raw Haskell form for program output. (Maybe `haskell*'
%%% as Haskell env that outputs its contents?)
%% Initialization
%% ==============
\ProvidesPackage{haskell}[2000/10/05 v1.0e Chilli's Haskell Style]
%% Parameters
%% ==========
%% Main macros and environments
%% ============================
% applications
\newcommand{\hsap}{% % application by juxtaposition
\unskip\mskip 4mu plus 1mu} % only the last \hsap counts
% commands to start and stop setting spaces as \hsap
{\obeyspaces\gdef\@hsSpaceToApp{\obeyspaces\let =\hsap}} % spaces matter!!!
{\obeyspaces\gdef\@hsNormalSpace{\let =\space}}
% commands to start and stop treating numbers specially, ie, we don't want
% them to be affected by font changing commands in Haskell contexts as this
% would give italic numerals; the trick is to redefine their math code such
% that they go into math class 0 and thus don't change families (cf. `The
% TeXbook', Chapter 17, pp152)
% Save the bindings of the standard math commands
% This is somewhat subtle as we want to able to enter the original math mode
% within Haskell mode and we have to ensure that the different opening
% commands are matched by the correct versions of the closing commands.
%% Typesetting of Haskell
%% ======================
% Inline Haskell phrases are delimited by `\<' and `\>'.
% Note: `\>' is only locally redefined.
\def\\{\cr} % for Haskell alignments
% Displayed Haskell (environment `haskell' and `haskell*')
% There are two kind of preambles for \halign: \hs@preambleNorm is for
% `amsmath' style alignments and \hs@preambleStar for `equation' style
% alignments (but with an unbound number of columns to its right)
% We need #### to get a ## in the \edef building the \halign command.
% first the preambles (also used in \hs@align below):
% the environments:
% auxiliary definition getting the preamble as its first argument and starting
% the environment:
\let\(=\@hsmath % Important when `\(' occurs after `&'!
% Auxiliary definition ending environment:
% single line comment and keyword style
\relax\(\quad\textnormal{--- #1}\)}
% informal description
% literals and some special symbols
\newcommand{\hschar}[1]{\textrm'\mathrm{#1}\textrm'} % character literals
\newcommand{\hsstr}[1]{"\mathrm{#1}"} % strings literals
\newcommand{\hsfrom}{\leftarrow} % <-
% aligned subphrases
% check for an optional star and combine prefix (in #1) with one of the two
% preambles (with star means to center the material between the first and
% second &)
% test for optional argument; #1: preamble
% got all arguments, now for the real code; #1: preamble; #2: alignment;
% #3: body (the material set by the \halign)
\if #2t\vtop \else \if#2b\vbox \else \vcenter \fi\fi
% user-level command: alignment without a prefix
% subphrase breaking the surrounding alignment being flushed left
% body expression breaking the surrounding alignment
% * setting \hsmargin to 0pt within the preamble (and _after_ it is used in
% the preamble) is crucial, as we want \hsmargin only to be applied in
% _outermost_ alignments
%% Defining commands for use in the Haskell mode
%% =============================================
%% We use some of the low-level machinery defined in LaTeX's source file
%% `ltdefns.dtx'.
%% \hscommand is similar to \newcommand, but there is no *-version.
%% We use our own definitions here to insert a strategic `\relax' (see below)
%% and to obey spaces within the bodies of Haskell definitions.
\obeyspaces % spaces count in Haskell macros
\@ifnextchar [{\hs@xargdef#1[#2]}%
% All this trouble only to be able to add the `\relax' into the expansion
% process. If we don't that, commands without optional arguments when
% invoked after an alignment character & don't work properly (actually, the
% \obeyspaces doesn't work). I am sure that has to do with the scanning for
% \omit etc in \halign (TeXbook, p240), but I don't understand yet why it
% is problematic in this case.
% Furthermore, we switch off \obeyspaces in the end.
\relax % in order to stop token expansion after &
\catcode`\ =10% % stop obeying spaces now
% Switch off \obeyspaces in the end.
\catcode`\ =10% % stop obeying spaces now
%% Abbreviations
%% =============
% infix operators
% let expression
% if expression
\hskwd{if} #2 \hskwd{then}\\
% case expression
\hskwd{case} #2 \hskwd{of}\\
% where clause
% * it is important to take the \quad into the preamble, so that nested
% \noaligns can break it
% do expression
%% Extensions for Distributed Haskell (Goffin)
%% ===========================================
%% These definitions may change in the future.
\hscommand{\hsex}[2]{{\hskwd{ex} #1 \hskwd{in} #2}}
\hskwd{ex} #2 \hskwd{in}\\