- Adapted the package to work with GHC 6.12 - Plugins that depend on the old base3 are currently not correctly loaded as the plugin loaded misses the dependence on syb (leading to unresolved symbols) - Cleaned up most of the testsuite (there are still some outstanding failures, of which only one demonstrates a bug in the plugins library as far as I can see — see previous bullet point) - Cleaned out a little cruft (but more could be done)
This little application is an example of using hs-plugins to embed a Haskell 'interpreter' inside an Objective-C, Cocoa-based program. You will need Mac OS X for this to be of any use! To build it, type 'make', which will build a .app bundle in the build/ directory. Or, 'open *.xcode', and hit the build button in there.