Manuel M T Chakravarty 838f8c0aca Adapt to work with GHC 6.12
- Adapted the package to work with GHC 6.12
- Plugins that depend on the old base3 are currently
  not correctly loaded as the plugin loaded misses
  the dependence on syb (leading to unresolved symbols)
- Cleaned up most of the testsuite (there are still
  some outstanding failures, of which only one
  demonstrates a bug in the plugins library as far
  as I can see — see previous bullet point)
- Cleaned out a little cruft (but more could be done)
2010-09-22 05:10:19 +00:00

44 lines
1.2 KiB

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fffi #-}
module PluginEvalAux where
import System.Plugins.Make
import System.Plugins.Load
import System.Plugins.Utils
import Foreign.C
import Control.Exception ( evaluate )
import System.IO
import System.Directory ( renameFile, removeFile )
symbol = "resource"
evalWithStringResult :: FilePath -> String -> IO String
evalWithStringResult srcFile s = do
status <- make srcFile ["-O0"]
case status of
MakeFailure err -> putStrLn "error occured" >> return (show err)
MakeSuccess _ obj -> load' obj
load' obj = do
loadResult <- load obj [] [] symbol
case loadResult of
LoadFailure errs -> putStrLn "load error" >> return (show errs)
LoadSuccess m (rsrc :: String -> IO String) -> do
v' <- rsrc s
unload m
mapM_ removeFile [ obj, replaceSuffix obj ".hi" ]
return v'
foreign export ccall evalhaskell_CString :: CString -> CString -> IO CString
evalhaskell_CString :: CString -> CString -> IO CString
evalhaskell_CString filePathCS sCS = do
s <- peekCString sCS
filePath <- peekCString filePathCS
retval <- evalWithStringResult filePath s
newCString retval
-- vi:sw=2 sts=2