
This commit is contained in:
Don Stewart 2005-09-04 03:27:40 +00:00
parent c336af2b0e
commit c2a10f4a90

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@ -760,12 +760,13 @@ eval_ :: Typeable a =>
\code{eval} takes a string, and a list of import module names, and
returns a \code{Maybe} value. \code{Nothing} means the code did not
compile. \code{Just v} gives you \code{v}, the result of evaluating
your code. It is interesting to note that \code{eval} has the type of
an interpreter. The \code{Typeable} constraint is used to type check
the evaluated code when it is loaded, using \code{dynload}.
As usual, \code{eval\_} is a version of \code{eval} that lets you pass
extra flags to ghc and to the dynamic loader.
compile, or did not typecheck at its splice point. \code{Just v} gives
you \code{v}, the result of evaluating your code. It is interesting to
note that \code{eval} has the type of an interpreter. The
\code{Typeable} constraint is used to type check the evaluated code when
it is loaded, using \code{dynload}. As usual, \code{eval\_} is a
version of \code{eval} that lets you pass extra flags to ghc and to the
dynamic loader.
The existing \code{Data.Dynamic} library requires that only monomorphic
values are \code{Typeable}, so in order to evaluate polymorphic