GHC 6.6 includes the package name in symbol names. This means that loadPackage_ needs to know the package name. I added a loadPackage__ with a package name argument. I also added loadPackageFunction with is a convenience functions for loading a value from a package module. This is very useful in HaskellDB.

This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2007-08-29 14:26:57 +00:00
parent a1058e1ecb
commit 642bd3add6

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module System.Plugins.Load (
, loadModule -- load a vanilla .o , loadModule -- load a vanilla .o
, loadFunction -- retrieve a function from an object , loadFunction -- retrieve a function from an object
, loadFunction_ -- retrieve a function from an object , loadFunction_ -- retrieve a function from an object
, loadPackageFunction
, loadPackage -- load a ghc library and its cbits , loadPackage -- load a ghc library and its cbits
, unloadPackage -- unload a ghc library and its cbits , unloadPackage -- unload a ghc library and its cbits
, loadPackageWith -- load a pkg using the package.conf provided , loadPackageWith -- load a pkg using the package.conf provided
@ -412,8 +413,15 @@ loadFunction (Module { iface = i }) valsym
loadFunction_ :: String loadFunction_ :: String
-> String -> String
-> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
loadFunction_ m valsym loadFunction_ = loadFunction__ Nothing
= do let symbol = prefixUnderscore++encode m++"_"++(encode valsym)++"_closure"
loadFunction__ :: Maybe String
-> String
-> String
-> IO (Maybe a)
loadFunction__ pkg m valsym
= do let symbol = prefixUnderscore++(maybe "" (\p -> encode p++"_") pkg)
++encode m++"_"++(encode valsym)++"_closure"
putStrLn $ "Looking for <<"++symbol++">>" putStrLn $ "Looking for <<"++symbol++">>"
#endif #endif
@ -424,6 +432,16 @@ loadFunction_ m valsym
(# hval #) -> return ( Just hval ) (# hval #) -> return ( Just hval )
-- | Loads a function from a package module, given the package name,
-- module name and symbol name.
loadPackageFunction :: String -- ^ Package name, including version number.
-> String -- ^ Module name
-> String -- ^ Symbol to lookup in the module
-> IO (Maybe a)
loadPackageFunction pkgName moduleName functionName =
do loadPackage pkgName
resolveObjs (unloadPackage pkgName)
loadFunction__ (Just pkgName) moduleName functionName
-- --
-- | Load a GHC-compiled Haskell vanilla object file. -- | Load a GHC-compiled Haskell vanilla object file.